UDIN for any kind of CA-certification has to be generated through ICAI website

In order to curb fake certifications by non-CAs misrepresenting themselves as chartered accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), has made generation of UDIN from its website www.icai.org mandatory for every kind of certificate/tax audit report and other attests made by their members as required by various regulators.
In line with the ongoing initiatives of the Income Tax Department for integrating with other government agencies and bodies, Income-tax e-filing portal has completed its integration with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) portal for validation of Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated from ICAI portal by the Chartered Accountants for documents certified/attested by them.
In consonance with the above requirement, Income-tax e-filing portal had already factored mandatory quoting of UDIN with effect from 27 April, 2020 for documents certified/attested in compliance with the Income-tax Act,1961 by a Chartered Accountant. With this system level integration, UDIN provided for the audit reports/certificates submitted by the Chartered Accountants in the e-filing portal shall be validated online with the ICAI. This will help in weeding out fake or incorrect Tax Audit Reports not duly authenticated with the ICAI.
If for any reason, a Chartered Accountant was not able to generate UDIN before submission of audit report/certificate, the Income-tax e-filing portal permits such submission, subject to the Chartered Accountant updating the UDIN generated for the form within 15 calendar days from the date of form submission in the Income- tax e-filing portal. If the UDIN for the audit report/certificate is not updated within the 15 days provided for the same, such audit report/certificate uploaded shall be treated as invalid submission.