ILA sets up Emerging Scholars Group for research in insolvency, bankruptcy

Scholars group

Insolvency Law Academy, an independent think tank and research institution of insolvency, has set up Emerging Scholars Group (ESG), a platform to bring together early career academics and young professionals from around the world, and offer them opportunities to research and participate in discourse relating to insolvency laws to improve approaches to national and international practice, promote professional excellence, collegiality and scholarship.

ILA will employ the talents, resources and good will of ESG members in its various projects and programmes.

ESG Structure

The Emerging Scholar Group will function under the guidance of e Insolvency Scholars Forum (ISF) with secretariat support from ILA.

ILA has established ISF to bring together the community of academics in pursuit of education, research, and scholarship in the field of insolvency, and together, build a formidable cadre of insolvency scholars.

ESG Committee will drive the activities of the Group. There are two Co-Chairs and two Vice-Chairs of ESG Committee each is from India while the other is from other jurisdiction. The composition and nominations to ESG Committee is decided by ISF in consultation with ILA leadership. Membership of the Emerging Scholar Group can be availed by the qualified persons by submitting prescribed application Form. Membership is subject to the final decision taken by the ESG Committee on the application. l Serving ILA Research Associates will be ex-officio convenor and secretary of ESG.

Membership of ESG will be open to the following:

Doctoral candidates in insolvency and related areas

Postdocs in insolvency and related areas

ILA Junior Fellows l International Insolvency Institute Next Gen Leaders

INSOL International Future Leaders

INSOL Europe’s Young Scholars l ILA Research Associates – serving and past

About ILA

Insolvency Law Academy is an independent think tank and research institution of insolvency. ILA seeks to contribute to robust policy making and enhancement of standards in the insolvency industry through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of best practices. Another key hallmark of ILA is to develop a community in pursuit of education, research and scholarship in the field of insolvency India. As a knowledge development institution, ILA seeks to inform and educate its participants regarding international best practice in insolvency law and policy through its programmes.

Also Read: Insolvency Law Academy awards ILA Emeritus Fellowship to Justice Manmohan Sarin

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