Paper 1 of CA Foundation Exam on 8 Dec postponed by five days; to be held on 13 Dec

It is notified for general information that, due to unavoidable circumstances, the CA Foundation Exam, Paper– 1, Principles and Practice of Accounting scheduled to be held on 8th
December 2020, from 2 PM to 5 PM (IST) stands rescheduled.
The first paper of the CA Foundation Exam will now be held on 13th December 2020 at the same venue(s) and timings i.e., 2 PM to 5 PM (IST) Admit Cards already issued would remain valid for the rescheduled date.
However, it is clarified that the schedule of examinations notified vide Notification No.13-CA(Exam)/N/2020 dated 21st August 2020 shall remain unchanged.
The candidates are advised to note the above and stay in touch with the website of the Institute,