Syllabus and details of Limited Insolvency Examination to be held from 1 Jan 2021

Graduate Insolvency Program Common Entrance Test (GIPCET)

The next Limited Insolvency Examination (Examination) under regulation 3 (3) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 for the examination will be conducted from 1 January 2021.

Further changes, if any, in the above details of the Examination will be provided subsequently.

Details of the Examination:
a) The examination will be conducted online (computer-based in a proctored environment) with objective multiple-choice questions.
b) The examination centres are available at various locations across the country.
c) The examination is available on every working day.
d) A candidate may choose the time, the date, and the Examination Centre of his choice for taking the Examination. For this purpose, he needs to enroll and register at
e) A fee of Rs 1,500 (One thousand five hundred rupees) is currently applicable on every enrolment.
f) The duration of the examination is 2 hours.
g) A candidate is required to answer all questions.
h) A wrong answer attracts a negative mark of 25% of the marks assigned for the question.
i) A candidate needs to secure 60% of marks for passing.
j) A successful candidate is awarded a certificate by IBBI.
k) A candidate is issued a temporary mark sheet on submission of answer paper.
l) No workbook or study material is allowed or provided.
m) No electronic devices including mobile phones and smart watches are allowed.

For the syllabus and more details of the Limited Insolvency Examination click in the link Limited Insolvency Exam Syllabus

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